Journey into your sexual mastery…

You can have the great sex, respect and love you deserve without having to bargain or compromise who you are or what matters most to you.


Yes, really you can have that!

I know this because it is my story and that of my clients, time and again.

Each coaching relationship is an adventure that is unique to you.

In working with both individuals or couples, I find that sometimes you know exactly what you want to work on.  And, other times figuring out what you authentically want IS the journey we travel together. 

So, don’t worry if you think you know you want support but are not sure of the details!

There is no right or wrong way to do relationship. There is only YOUR way

It is my aim to support you in living and loving from your authentic core. Part of that is that I create a shame-free zone where you have permission to bring all of yourself and your desire to the table. 

Sessions are a combination of conversation, action, at-home practices and accountability that may include: grounding, movement, communication skills, mapping values and boundaries, and masculine/feminine energy interplay.

During our time together, you receive my exquisite attention with real-time feedback, so you can best tune your attention into yourself and your partner.  In-person sessions may also include guided touch. All sessions are fully clothed.

Below is a partial list of some topics I’ve covered with my clients to give you a taste of where our work together can go. 

  • Boundaries

  • Knowing what you want

  • Letting Go of the past and preconceived notions 

  • Seduction

  • Asking for What You want 

  • Love Languages and Erotic Desires 

  • Worthiness and receiving 

  • Sexual Mastery 

  • Letting go of shame 

  • Erectile dysfunction

  • Self-touch and self-pleasure

  • Embodiment 

  • Polarity Practices 

  • Sexual Sovereignty

  • Polarity  

  • Difference in sexual needs

  • Clean communication

  • Love languages 

  • TurnON

  • Asking for what you want 

  • Saying/hearing NO and YES



“Deborah makes me feel like I can really be myself. I sense her capacity to hold me through difficult feelings and her joy in my celebrations. I can see the mischievous look in her eye when she’s taking me forward and it makes me want to open up more. I highly recommend Deborah as a coach — the possibilities with her are endless.” ~Jessie


How does it work?

After many years of studying what works, I find that meeting once a week for a minimum 12-week commitment to yourself and our journey is a very powerful start.

This gives us time and space to dive deeply into the heart of what you need to understand and be able to apply to start to make the changes you want in your love life. 

And, of course, like  most of life, once something is resolved, new challenges are then discovered. 

After the 12 weeks, we will check-in to discuss how to move forward which can be consistent, on going support OR bursts when you need it.

Our once-a-week meetings are by phone, zoom or in person however at minimum, I like to meet in person at least once a month.


“Before I say anything else, please let me start by saying THANK YOU! Nothing Linda and I have done over the last several years has brought us closer together than the time we spent with you last Saturday. Your tenderness to her brought her to tears and helped us share things about ourselves that we have never done before. While I thought Tantra had some good elements, I didn't realize how powerful and effective it could be. Before we met, you asked what would "satisfy" me. I told you that I wasn't sure, but that I didn't think Tantra would be very satisfying. I was wrong. Looking into each other's eyes and the touching exercises we did together, under your direction, still move us both powerfully, even though we did them almost a week ago.” ~Joshua & Linda


Are you interested in learning more? Schedule a consultation with me!