Let me tell you a bit about me…
For years I was trying to be the “good girl” when it came to sex, and relationships.
For me, that meant pretending to be someone I wasn’t, which worked for a while until inevitably, my “bad girl” broke free and wreaked havoc. After a particularly devastating break up with a man I knew would be an awesome father but not a very fulfilling partner for me, I remember crying on my mother’s floor for about a week thinking: “I just cannot face another date.” What I realized is that I couldn’t face another date doing it the way I had been.
Something had to change because I was certainly not ready to give up on relationships or sex.
So, I read everything I could find on dating, sex, intimacy and relationships. I knew that this time it was going to be different. My “good girl” and my “bad girl” needed to take a back seat and it was time for my “woman” to step up and be the driving force in my dating.
Not only that, but it was going to be fun! I made some rules for myself and made dating into a game. That was over 20 years ago.
My beloved and I have now been together for 19 years.
We live in a sweet little house in Santa Cruz with two cats, a yard, and friends who come and go. We both work from home doing what we love.
I love working with my clients—smart, successful men who can’t talk to a women to save their lives.
I help men build unshakable confidence so they can start a conversation and have the sex and relationships they desire.
I know what an act of courage it is to bring all of yourself to the table to risk rejection or worse to spend years with the wrong person because you are afraid there is no one else out there. Let me help you.