Are you bored, dissatisfied or fed up with your relationship and sex life (or lack of one)?
Are you missing the playful spark of attraction you once had?
Sex is deceptively easy… and yet at the same time, it can be quite complex.
Our culture sells us everything from beer to banking with sex and YET all we ever see is one version that may not fit who we are and how we like our sex.
The truth is, we have very few good models on how to have the connected, confident, delicious sex that we crave that matches our unique desires.
Our culture is filled with stories and movies that say a partner will magically know how to please your every desire, you’ll fall deeply in love, everything is perfect… the end.
Has that actually happened for you? Probably not.
You won’t get it ‘perfect’ the first time out! Not only that, relationships need more than passionate love to get us through the tough times together.
Because what happens pretty quickly? LIFE gets in the way: stress, work, kids, household it can be a lot. Add on top of that emotional rollercoaster of each partner’s past, fears, dreams, triggers, desires… it gets messy fast.
A solid relationship that turns you on daily is built upon clear communication, confidence, self-awareness AND lots of play. And, those things are not intuitive or natural for most people. What’s more, the foundation for a satisfying relationship that stays that way take more than a weekend workshop or occasional date night.
Just like you can’t watch a single tennis match and suddenly be a grand-slam player. The same is true with relationships and sex– you don’t just watch some porn or a romantic flick and suddenly you’re a Master Lover.
A sexy, connected relationship that turns you on takes:
Resources, Mentorship & Practice
I created the Relationship Lab to answer this need. I provide over 2 decades of my tried and true techniques, a place to get your (maybe embarrassing) questions answered and a safe space to practice so that you strengthen your sexy relationship muscles and create the juicy, satisfying sex life you crave.
The keys for satisfying relationship are accurate information, mentorship, and PRACTICE, all within a safe community.
TurnedOn Resources
I’ve put together over two decades of my best tools, techniques and practices to give you innovative, myth-busting sex & intimacy information. Learn how to deepen your communication skills, feel empowered with your desires and explore more playtime pleasures.
Shame-Free Mentorship
Know you have a place to ask all the questions that make you blush and get reliable answers without judgement or embarrassment. Get support within a community of compassionate like-minded folks.
Regular Practice
Like learning to drive in an empty parking lot, access a set time & space to practice relationship and personal skills without stress, chaos or pressure so you can build your relationship muscles in the gym before you need them in the field.
The Relationship Lab is:
Weekly Practice Calls
We meet every Thursday for a morning practice embodying the better sex techniques in your bones. Leaves these calls feeling energized and connected.
Monthly Masterclass
Once-a-month live class to learn a new topic on Sex & Communication, Empowerment or Pleasure.
Group Coaching
Once-a-month, live coaching with me on YOUR questions and challenges as they arise.
Private Chat Group
Participate in our private chat group to get real-time support from your community of fellow lovers, playmates and partners.
I’m Deborah Oppenheim. As a Dominatrix turned Sex & Relationship Coach, I’m on a mission to bring more juicy, connected, deliciously satisfying sex to the world.
You see, in my early relationship experiences, I found I could either have a good relationship OR good sex (not both). And so nothing was ever FULLY satisfying...
After many breakups, I decided – ENOUGH! Something has to change. And, I knew that that something had to be ME. I was certainly not ready to give up on my desire for fantastic relationships with juicy good sex. At first, I read everything I could find on dating, sex, intimacy and relationships. Because, well, 20 years ago there weren’t that many sex experts publicly accessible -- it was all in books.
In the 20 years since, I’ve been trained and certified in multiple styles of Tantra, Kink, Massage, Flirting, Dating, Relating, Communication and so much more. Now, my beloved and I have been together for 24 years counting, and my relationship and sex life is better than I thought possible when I started – perfectly designed for my desires.
I’ve worked with hundreds of clients from the corporate CEO to the newly wed couple to the silicon valley engineer... and across the board I see how many people find sex to be mysterious or something to be afraid of. So, if you’ve felt like that, you’re not alone. I’m here to shift the dynamic of sex in your life from a source of stress, confusion and shame to be a driving force behind your relationship AND your personal life goals.
I want a satisfying sex life to be the reason you say yes to what matters to you most and I want you to have a relationship that you relish and enjoy.
Join the Relationship Lab
Get the embodied knowledge and regular support you need to be in relationships infused with pleasure, depth and play so you can live a life Turned on!
$197 /month
(you don’t have to be in a partnership to participate!)